Thursday, July 28, 2011

some doctors lie, lie, lie

Some Doctors make me so mad. I know a man who was feeling bad. He went to the Dr and it was discovered that he had prostate cancer. He was told it was the early stages, he went through the normal things that people with cancer do, chemo radiation. Anyway after all that he was tested again and he trusted his doctor when the Doctor told him that he was cancer free. around five years later he went back for his checkup (he had been going all along once for a yearly cancer and overall health checkup) The doctor told him he was going to have to have surgery because the cancer was at an advanced stage. Not only that but he also told him that he was never really Cancer free. If he was never cancer free why on earth did the doctor tell him that he was. The doctor's reply, I told you that because the cancer levels were low.

My husband went to the same doctor because of shoulder pain the Doctor tells him, you are getting old, get used to it. My husband is in his mid 30's it should not be that bad. The pain did get so bad that he could not lift his arm so he decided he wanted another doctor to take a look at it. He did not want to accept the first doctors opinion. Well the other doctor discovered that he has a cyst in his shoulder that just so happens to be at a place that is causing him pain. That does not sound like old age to me. I think the first doctor just did not want to take care of his patient, he just wanted the person out of the office so he could move on to the next.

To some doctors it s a business, they forget that there are people involved. I think that some of the small town doctors assume that you will not go to another doctor, and the bad news is they are usually right.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kim Kardashian, and her poop

I'm sure many of you have heard the expression that "They are so much better that everybody else that they think their shit doesn't stink" Well Kim's Shit does not stink because according to the article in Cosmo she does not do #2 (which everyone knows is poop) nor does she pass gas, she never has (according to the article). Well all I have to say is that must be why her butt is so big. All that shit, and gas has to go somewhere, because in all the pictures I've seen I've never seen a bag attached to her side where the shit would go if she could not get rid of it on her own out of her asshole. She really does think she's better than anyone else. I'd like to see someone take her down a peg or two and explain that if she can't shit, or pass gas she had a serious health issue. She must really be stupid and not know what poop, shit, whatever else she calls is.

If she does have a medical condition where she can not use the bathroom like normal people. I humbly apologize.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kristin Chenoweth

This singer sounds like she is one of the chipmunks, or should I say one of the chipettes. You know the cartoon characters. Either way whenever I hear her sing all I can picture in my mind is the chipmunks in the movie I saw several years ago.