Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new President?

I have been seeing on the news that Donald Trump might be running for president. I was thinking that might not be such a bad idea. The man has lost most of his fortune several times and has always managed to bounce back. If he was president I think he would probably run the country like a business and we might just be better off. I'll bet the first thing he would do is try and fix the deficit or the economy. He might not me a person that is in politics, but the way I see it he probably has a better attitude that most of the people that are in Washington now. He may even want America to thrive again and may try and bring more jobs here instead of shipping them to China or Mexico. I think the job of President was more than what Obama anticipated but he had certain ideas and he was determined that his ideas were the only way. The only problem was in polities you have to make compromises and that is something I do not think Obama is going to do if he can help it. I really do not think that he will get elected to a second term and if by some miracle he does this country really will be in trouble. Donald Trump may be just what this country needs. He is smart when it comes to money and as an employer he must know what he is doing. Of course I have never had any personal dealings with the man but I can respect the way he had done things in business. I guess we will just have to see.

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