Friday, April 29, 2011

What if we had no money for technology today?

The world of entertainment leaves nothing to be desired. I understand that some people want the fame and the money. But think about it. Money can't buy you the most important things in life. It can't buy you good health, and it can't buy happiness. The happiest people in the world are the people that don't have it all and don't want it all. I am not rich and I know I never will be. I have a loving husband who I love with all my heart, and together we have a beautiful daughter. All of our needs are met and I am not talking about IPHONE and DSL on the Internet. I am talking about needs like food on the table a roof over out heads and clean air to breath. I just wish that others weren't so hell bent on material things. Think about what life was like 100 years ago. I can promise you people were happier back them. I'll bet they could count on their neighbor to feed the dog and water the plants when they went on vacation and not worry about if the neighbor was going to go through their mail and steal all the money in the bank, oh yeah they probably didn't have that much money in the bank to begin with. Sometimes I just wonder what the world would be like if for a week, just a week, the teenagers and some of the older people, by that I mean people in their 20's could exist without all the technology we have today. I'll bet most of them would not no where to begin is they were asked to make a meal from scratch, when I say that I mean they can not use a microwave or run to the store and pick up a hamburger helper. I'll bet if they had to make a meal from scratch everyday for a week the poor saps you starve to death.

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