Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royal Wedding

I think it is just in poor taste that the Royal couple have been told what to do and everything else. #1 they can not kiss after they are pronounced man and wife and #2 the groom is not going to wear a wedding ring. I can't help but wonder what will be next, he can't sleep in the same bed as his wife, probably. I wish them all the best, really I do. I just think that some things are getting out of hand. The wedding band thing really gets to me. I personally think the groom should wear the ring, I understand if he does not because of the job he does, but this is a prince, he is not going to be working on electrical panels or pulling machines apart to repair a gear that has gone bad. He's going to be a king, and I'm pretty sure that he will be paying someone to do that for him. Another thing I consider the ring a symbol of love you have for the person you are marring. It also lets the world know that the man (or woman) is spoken for. I don't care that he is a prince as far as I am concerned if he is not going to wear the ring he's telling the world that he is available. This is England we are talking about, look at it's history the kings and future kings treated their mistresses better than they did their wives. I hope I am wrong and I hope he treats his wife with respect. I guess only time will tell.

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