Friday, February 7, 2014

Bact to school at 40+

     It has been a while since I have written anything that is purely of the top of my head so here I go.
     At the beginning of the 2013-2014 school year I did something that I never thought I would have the courage to do.  I went back to school.  I have to be honest it was hard at first, I mean here I am going back to school after being out over 20 years (yes that means I'm in my 40's).  I would be lying if I said it was something that did not scare me.
     The first week was by far the hardest.  I say that because I did not know where some of the places were at that I needed to go to.  One of my classes was in a room that was inside another room.  That was confusing so say the least.  The thing that was really confusing was the fact that two weeks into the class the college changed instructors of the class, and to top it off the new teacher came in the day we were suppose to have our first test.  To her credit she did not give us the test, she said that she felt it was unfair give us a test and we were unfamiliar with the way she expected the class to be run.
   Well I did not do well on all of the test but I can say that I passed the course with two points to spare.  I can say I learned a lot in that class and I am not talking about the math part.  Ms Arquize would say things that meant a lot to me and she would take the time to explain some problems if she realized that I did not understand. 
    One day she walked in and her class had shrunk down to twelve people, now keep in mind the class was originally around forty.  Anyway she walked in and stated, "This is my class.  Many are called but few are chosen, you are the chosen few that are here to learn.  You are not here to simply sit in a classroom, you are not here to waste my time, you are here to learn."
     When she said that it really made me feel good about myself.  The next semester I had another math class that I had to take and this time was so much different than it was the first time.  This time I felt better prepared for the class.  A part of me feels like I have a heads up in this class that the others simply do not have because of the previous math teacher I had.  I have been told that if you can pass her class the next class will be a breeze and so far I can say what I have heard is accurate.  I may have passed her class with only two points to spare I think I will pass the class I am taking now with out much of a problem.  Now I may be wrong, and It may end up being a lot harder, but that does not matter I know that if I work hard I can do it, because many are called but few are chosen

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