Saturday, February 8, 2014

My brother's birthday

     Well my brother's birthday was the 6th and I did not go to see him.  He is having a party, or I guess you could call it a party.  He is having quite a few friends over for a chili cook-off or something to that effect.  The get together starts around 6:00 and ends when everyone leaves I guess.  I will go but I will not be staying long.  I have a six-year-old and I want her to be on a schedule that has her going to bed at a reasonably time. 
     He may not understand but then he and his wife do not have any children.  If he does not understand well that is something I will have to live with.  My number one priority is my family and by that I mean my husband and my daughter.  They are the most important people to me and that will never change. 
     The picture at the top of this post was not taken at my brothers house, it was taken at the local state park.  I put it in the post simply because I want a picture of some type on every post that I make in a blog.  That was not always the case but it is now.  I will probably post some pictures without any writing at all.  I guess time will tell.  Enjoy

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