Monday, June 27, 2016

June vacation

     This past weekend my family and I went to the beach for some R&R. Normally when we go my husband argues the entire time that we are on the road and to be perfectly honest a lot of the time while we are at the beach to begin with. Not this time, out daughter let him know that she did not like riding in the car with him because all he does is fuss at any and everybody. When I say everyone I mean all he can say is how stupid the drivers are and the road construction crew is in the way that they design roads and cars. To be perfectly honest when you start the trip off like that it really spoils it for everyone in the car before you reach your destination. Usually after we reach our destination me and our daughter simply want to leave my husband, her father alone for a while so that we do not have to hear all about how stupid the drivers on the road are or how he would have constructed the road better than the ones that made it.
     Well this past trip was a good trip, my husband did not argue about every car on the road and he did not tell me that it would be best I kept my mouth shut the entire trip to the beach like he normally does. I won't say he was an angel but compared to the trips we usually have, he was pretty darn close. If makes me really look forward to our next trip to the beach when we go to mustang week.

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