Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kicking the Kardashians

One set of the reality stars I simply do not get is the Kardashians. I think there are three sisters total but I;m not sure, anyway. One looks like a guy, hey at first I thought it was a brother that was gay or liked to dress like a woman. If you look at the three of them together and you can easily tell which one I am talking about. Another looks like she is so stuck on herself that no man can measure up to her standards unless he is a king, prince, or multimillionaire. I'm not sure about the other sister I guess she may be a little bit more down to earth, but then who knows. She may have a secret she is waiting to tell. I tried to watch the show and all I saw was several woman bragging on how much money they have and making the men in their lives look stupid. I'm all for girl power, but give me a break. I pity Bruce Jenner being stuck with these women and having to put up with them, Lord help him when they have PMS. He probably gets in a hole and waits for the storm to pass.

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