Monday, September 27, 2010

American Idol

I started watching the show several years ago and I have to say I liked it, but the last two years I have really been disappointed with the show. I like Simon, the man knows talent when he sees it and he calls it like they see it, Randy is a good as well. Fox made a mistake when they got rid of Paula. She was the heart of the show. They did not really need a fourth judge hey they need an odd number. When they choose Ellen Degenerate (yes I spelled it like than on purpose). I did not watch at all. I do not watch her talk show and I am not about to watch her tell people if they are good or not when she has no idea herself. Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez I have heard are the next two judges and I have to wait and see how they do. I figure one will be better than the other, we will just have to wait and see in January 2011.

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