Monday, September 20, 2010

Reality shows-Who cares, I don't

I was watching television the other day and saw the entertainment newscaster mention something about a Snookie or a snooker the name caught my ear. Who would call them self Snookie. I watched and it did not take me long to figure it out. This person is obviously a crackhead or something. I understand that she came up with the name to draw attention to herself and well she does. The girl looks like she's mad all the time and a drunk to boot, but then many new reality stars in Hollywood do now (Kate from Kate plus 8). With so many reality shows on TV sometimes I wonder if there is anything else to watch, there is even a reality channel. Some of the shows are fine but give me a break. I can't wait until they start getting old and people stop watching them, I know I already have and I don't plan to start back.

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