I started watching the show several years ago and I have to say I liked it, but the last two years I have really been disappointed with the show. I like Simon, the man knows talent when he sees it and he calls it like they see it, Randy is a good as well. Fox made a mistake when they got rid of Paula. She was the heart of the show. They did not really need a fourth judge hey they need an odd number. When they choose Ellen Degenerate (yes I spelled it like than on purpose). I did not watch at all. I do not watch her talk show and I am not about to watch her tell people if they are good or not when she has no idea herself. Steven Tyler and Jennifer Lopez I have heard are the next two judges and I have to wait and see how they do. I figure one will be better than the other, we will just have to wait and see in January 2011.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
My #1 weakness on TV
One of my weaknesses is I watch a soap opera. I have it recorded daily on my DVR. What makes matters worse is I have found a site that gives me a day ahead summery of everything that will be on the show. To be honest it has almost got to the point that I would rather reed the summery than watch the show. After all the summery takes all but 5 minutes of my time with no commercials and the show takes a hour and it has commercials all the time, or so it seams. If you want to know the site name leave me a comment and I will be more than happy to post it.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Reality shows-Who cares, I don't
I was watching television the other day and saw the entertainment newscaster mention something about a Snookie or a snooker the name caught my ear. Who would call them self Snookie. I watched and it did not take me long to figure it out. This person is obviously a crackhead or something. I understand that she came up with the name to draw attention to herself and well she does. The girl looks like she's mad all the time and a drunk to boot, but then many new reality stars in Hollywood do now (Kate from Kate plus 8). With so many reality shows on TV sometimes I wonder if there is anything else to watch, there is even a reality channel. Some of the shows are fine but give me a break. I can't wait until they start getting old and people stop watching them, I know I already have and I don't plan to start back.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Untruthful telemarketers
I understand that telemarketers , or those people that call you at the worst possible times are just doing their job, but give me a break. This one company called me asking for money. I told them I was unemployed and had been for several years. The person kept on asking me to give $100 or more for their congressional candidate that was running for reelection in congress. "Our candidate really needs your support," that is what the person said over the phone. It was a good pitch the only problem is the candidate is not from my state, not even in my time zone. And they want me to give them $100 and I know the money is going to be used to pay the people calling me, and aggravating me. Yes I have done the research on these things that is where the money goes. Most if not all of the money people give to so called charities or the like is used to pay the people doing the calling. I have given in the past, but only is the amount I gave was tax deductible. If the person said it was and wasn't I would not send the money. One time they called me and asked why I had not sent the money I simply told them them "You lied to me about it being tax deductible so I guess I lied to you about me sending it. Take me off you list, because I do not trust your organization to tell me the truth."
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Kicking the Kardashians
One set of the reality stars I simply do not get is the Kardashians. I think there are three sisters total but I;m not sure, anyway. One looks like a guy, hey at first I thought it was a brother that was gay or liked to dress like a woman. If you look at the three of them together and you can easily tell which one I am talking about. Another looks like she is so stuck on herself that no man can measure up to her standards unless he is a king, prince, or multimillionaire. I'm not sure about the other sister I guess she may be a little bit more down to earth, but then who knows. She may have a secret she is waiting to tell. I tried to watch the show and all I saw was several woman bragging on how much money they have and making the men in their lives look stupid. I'm all for girl power, but give me a break. I pity Bruce Jenner being stuck with these women and having to put up with them, Lord help him when they have PMS. He probably gets in a hole and waits for the storm to pass.
Saturday, September 11, 2010
New fall shows
I got my new Entertainment weekly yesterday and it had a list of all the new and returning fall shows. To be honest who comes up with these shows and the people in them.
I'll begin with my favorite show's former time slot replacement. Hawaii five-O the first thing I see is one of the actors Alex O'Loughin. He has been in what is it now his 3rd television series and NONE of the ones before have taken off (one a vampire story and the other a doctor or hospital). Maybee this one will stick, though I highly doubt it. He must be under contract with somebody because he is consantly on the tube. The show he's on gets canned and here he is back again. The network must love this guy and are determined to find a place for him. Why not try a soap opera. CBS is down to 2 now (Y&R and B&B). It's not like people don't know his face.
I'll begin with my favorite show's former time slot replacement. Hawaii five-O the first thing I see is one of the actors Alex O'Loughin. He has been in what is it now his 3rd television series and NONE of the ones before have taken off (one a vampire story and the other a doctor or hospital). Maybee this one will stick, though I highly doubt it. He must be under contract with somebody because he is consantly on the tube. The show he's on gets canned and here he is back again. The network must love this guy and are determined to find a place for him. Why not try a soap opera. CBS is down to 2 now (Y&R and B&B). It's not like people don't know his face.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
FaceBook Virus
I use to go on Face Book. I enjoyed catching up with friends that I had not seen in a while. I had a habit of going on several times a day, that has all changed. My computer caught a virus. And it came from face book, before you say anything the answer is yes I did have a virus protector, but the man who had to fix my computer told me that the viruses are coming out so fast the virus protectors can't keep up. I am really going to miss it, especially the part where I would get spoilers of the soap opera I watch every day. Oh well, I guess it will have to be a surprise.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
reality stars :(
The one thing that really gets me ill is these so called reality stars what don't do anything. Look at the woman that has 8 kids that jon and kate plus 8. From day one I was waiting for them to split. The way that that woman would treat that poor man. I'm sorry but if you have a husband you don't treat him like an animal at the zoo or like your child. All I can say is the jon is better off. I really do feel sorry for the man that kate will finally settle on (probably her body guard). After all he is married she already destroyed her own marriage why not destroy his as well.
Monday, July 5, 2010
USA waste and recycling in Darlington SC
I don't know about anyone else but the trash man in my area is the worst in the world. It took him THREE weeks before he finally showed up. Yes you heard me right 3 weeks. I called everyday for the 3 weeks he did not show up. I got the same answer every time. "We'll get it tomorrow," I turned them into the county because the county is the one who decides who picks up the trash in my area or county. I hope when their contract is up they NEVER pick up trash in this area again. I am not paying for the weeks they did not pick up. What the worse thing that can happen they not pick it up, well they don't pick it up now so what's the difference.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Trash man
I can't stand the Trash man in this area. It has been 3 weeks and he has not showed up. I have been calling these people every day and leaving messages everyday for the last 3 weeks, sometimes several times a day. I always get the same answer we'll get it tomorrow. Wel it's been three weeks and the tomorrow that they are speaking of has never arrived. The way the county is set up I can't get another company to pick the trash up. Waste Management NEVER let a week go by without picking it up. This company they just don't care. It's usa waste and recycling if anyone reads this.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Johnny Depp
The last few post I have posted have been about celebrities I do not like. Today I am going to make a change. One actor that I do like is Johnny Depp. Here is an actor that has a heart, (which is more that I can say about a lot of actors in Hollywood). Here is a man who made a movie for a friend that died and he refused to accept any money for the role. He wanted the money to go in a trust for the dead actors only child, a girl, because the child was born before he could make any changes to his will. And his will stated that his estate went to his parents. That left his daughter (who is a very young child) without a dime. To be truthful Jude Law did the same thing for the actors daughter in the same movie. Anyway that made me think a lot more about Johnny Depp.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Robert Pattinson

I have always liked Vampire books and movies. Let's face it Ann Rice can't be beat. I was looking forward to the Twilight movie experiance but when I saw that guy playing the part of Edward. It almost made me throw up. Talk about UUUUUgly. The guy never combs his hair and the face it makes me want to gag. As soon as this twilight is over with he will probably never be seen again. The girl he was living with (true is was his costar) she and he have split ways if you can believe the papers. I don't know if anyone else sawe that one coming but I did. The boy may have some talent, but he needs to work on his apperiance first.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Cruises movie bomb
Tom Cruises's movie did bad at the box office! I never would have thought that. Yeah right that man's only good movie was Top Gun and what was waaaaay back in the 80's. What he needs to do is cartoon voice over using a different name, that way people will not know it's him. As far as I am concerned the ONLY thing Tom Cuise has going for him is he does have a nice looking smile which is more than I can say for some actors in Hollywood.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Tom Cruise

I have not watched any of his movies and I don't plan to not since the fiasco Mission Impossible. I saw it in the movie theater and I think everyone was confused. As far as I was concerned it was a waste of my money, I'm just glad I paid for the matinee instead of the full price. I feel like I wasted two hours of my life that I could have been doing something else like vacuuming the floor. From what I have heard his latest movie isn't doing any good either. Good luck Mr Cruise, with the movies you make, you're going to need it.
A knock at the door
I had jehovas witnesses come to my door yesterday. It was 101 degrees outside and these people are pushing their relgion on me. I do not believe the way that they do, why can't they just leave people alone in the heat of the day. My little girl keep saying make them women go away. Believe me I sometmes wish I could. They are SOOOOOOOO pushy.
Thursday, June 24, 2010
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