Thursday, July 28, 2011

some doctors lie, lie, lie

Some Doctors make me so mad. I know a man who was feeling bad. He went to the Dr and it was discovered that he had prostate cancer. He was told it was the early stages, he went through the normal things that people with cancer do, chemo radiation. Anyway after all that he was tested again and he trusted his doctor when the Doctor told him that he was cancer free. around five years later he went back for his checkup (he had been going all along once for a yearly cancer and overall health checkup) The doctor told him he was going to have to have surgery because the cancer was at an advanced stage. Not only that but he also told him that he was never really Cancer free. If he was never cancer free why on earth did the doctor tell him that he was. The doctor's reply, I told you that because the cancer levels were low.

My husband went to the same doctor because of shoulder pain the Doctor tells him, you are getting old, get used to it. My husband is in his mid 30's it should not be that bad. The pain did get so bad that he could not lift his arm so he decided he wanted another doctor to take a look at it. He did not want to accept the first doctors opinion. Well the other doctor discovered that he has a cyst in his shoulder that just so happens to be at a place that is causing him pain. That does not sound like old age to me. I think the first doctor just did not want to take care of his patient, he just wanted the person out of the office so he could move on to the next.

To some doctors it s a business, they forget that there are people involved. I think that some of the small town doctors assume that you will not go to another doctor, and the bad news is they are usually right.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Kim Kardashian, and her poop

I'm sure many of you have heard the expression that "They are so much better that everybody else that they think their shit doesn't stink" Well Kim's Shit does not stink because according to the article in Cosmo she does not do #2 (which everyone knows is poop) nor does she pass gas, she never has (according to the article). Well all I have to say is that must be why her butt is so big. All that shit, and gas has to go somewhere, because in all the pictures I've seen I've never seen a bag attached to her side where the shit would go if she could not get rid of it on her own out of her asshole. She really does think she's better than anyone else. I'd like to see someone take her down a peg or two and explain that if she can't shit, or pass gas she had a serious health issue. She must really be stupid and not know what poop, shit, whatever else she calls is.

If she does have a medical condition where she can not use the bathroom like normal people. I humbly apologize.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Kristin Chenoweth

This singer sounds like she is one of the chipmunks, or should I say one of the chipettes. You know the cartoon characters. Either way whenever I hear her sing all I can picture in my mind is the chipmunks in the movie I saw several years ago.

Friday, June 24, 2011

A Happy Tree

I have no idea how old this tree is but it sure looks happy.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

The terminator has terminated his marriage

Back in 1986 when Arnold and Maria Shriver married the first thought that entered my mind. "This is an ODD couple." I wanted them to make it, and they did for 25 years. That is a lot compared to many marriages today. Many people view marriage as disposable, in my personal opinion that is the wrong way to look at marriage. In Hollywood you see the famous people bed hoping worse the the worst daytime drama or soap opera. That may be why a lot of the soaps are being cancelled people can watch E and it's just as good as a soap opera and they know that it real people and not a story.

I'm lucky my parents have been married for over 40 years and my husband can say the same about his parents. There are hard times in a marriage to be perfectly blunt marriage takes work. I think that after 25 years they knew it was over. I do not doubt that they have a genuine love for each other after they share 4 children and lived together for 25 years. Micheal Douglas I think said it best about his first wife. I will always love her I'm just not "IN LOVE" with her anymore. There is a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone. I love my cat, I love my daughter, I love my parents, but I am in love with my husband. I've only been married 5 years so I think that Arnold and Maria really tried to make it work after 25 years together I honestly think they tried. They have their reasons and I just hope that they part as friends and not enemies.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Was America thinking about this?

As everyone has heard Osama Bin Ladin was killed (I think assassinated is a better word). The one thing that stays in my mind is What did it solve? The people of the September attack are still dead, and they will never come back. There is nothing we can do to make them come back. I agree that it was a shame and a tragedy that it happened, but has anyone thought for one minute that we might get attacked again because of this. The attack was not just to kill people it was to make a statement, it was symbolic. This is something I do not think most of the American people realize, and perhaps they never will.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

A new President?

I have been seeing on the news that Donald Trump might be running for president. I was thinking that might not be such a bad idea. The man has lost most of his fortune several times and has always managed to bounce back. If he was president I think he would probably run the country like a business and we might just be better off. I'll bet the first thing he would do is try and fix the deficit or the economy. He might not me a person that is in politics, but the way I see it he probably has a better attitude that most of the people that are in Washington now. He may even want America to thrive again and may try and bring more jobs here instead of shipping them to China or Mexico. I think the job of President was more than what Obama anticipated but he had certain ideas and he was determined that his ideas were the only way. The only problem was in polities you have to make compromises and that is something I do not think Obama is going to do if he can help it. I really do not think that he will get elected to a second term and if by some miracle he does this country really will be in trouble. Donald Trump may be just what this country needs. He is smart when it comes to money and as an employer he must know what he is doing. Of course I have never had any personal dealings with the man but I can respect the way he had done things in business. I guess we will just have to see.

Friday, April 29, 2011

What if we had no money for technology today?

The world of entertainment leaves nothing to be desired. I understand that some people want the fame and the money. But think about it. Money can't buy you the most important things in life. It can't buy you good health, and it can't buy happiness. The happiest people in the world are the people that don't have it all and don't want it all. I am not rich and I know I never will be. I have a loving husband who I love with all my heart, and together we have a beautiful daughter. All of our needs are met and I am not talking about IPHONE and DSL on the Internet. I am talking about needs like food on the table a roof over out heads and clean air to breath. I just wish that others weren't so hell bent on material things. Think about what life was like 100 years ago. I can promise you people were happier back them. I'll bet they could count on their neighbor to feed the dog and water the plants when they went on vacation and not worry about if the neighbor was going to go through their mail and steal all the money in the bank, oh yeah they probably didn't have that much money in the bank to begin with. Sometimes I just wonder what the world would be like if for a week, just a week, the teenagers and some of the older people, by that I mean people in their 20's could exist without all the technology we have today. I'll bet most of them would not no where to begin is they were asked to make a meal from scratch, when I say that I mean they can not use a microwave or run to the store and pick up a hamburger helper. I'll bet if they had to make a meal from scratch everyday for a week the poor saps you starve to death.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Royal Wedding

I think it is just in poor taste that the Royal couple have been told what to do and everything else. #1 they can not kiss after they are pronounced man and wife and #2 the groom is not going to wear a wedding ring. I can't help but wonder what will be next, he can't sleep in the same bed as his wife, probably. I wish them all the best, really I do. I just think that some things are getting out of hand. The wedding band thing really gets to me. I personally think the groom should wear the ring, I understand if he does not because of the job he does, but this is a prince, he is not going to be working on electrical panels or pulling machines apart to repair a gear that has gone bad. He's going to be a king, and I'm pretty sure that he will be paying someone to do that for him. Another thing I consider the ring a symbol of love you have for the person you are marring. It also lets the world know that the man (or woman) is spoken for. I don't care that he is a prince as far as I am concerned if he is not going to wear the ring he's telling the world that he is available. This is England we are talking about, look at it's history the kings and future kings treated their mistresses better than they did their wives. I hope I am wrong and I hope he treats his wife with respect. I guess only time will tell.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What a flower!!!!!

This is a bulb that I got as a birthday gift. I could not believe that it eventually got 8 flowers on it. It is my hope that I will be able to build a big inventory and sell them within a few years. This flower is a Minerva amaryllis. I currently have another one in bloom. The package said the flower was suppose to be Apple blossom, which is a flower with pink in it. Well it bloomed and it is pure white. What a beautiful flower. A can't wait until I see the other flowers. I just hope that they have a seed pod so that I can grow more flowers. It is suppose to be very hard to grow a bulb from seeds I have not had any problems, true I lost a few that first year, but it was my first attempt. I can't wait until they bloom, especially the seeds I started two years ago. It is suppose to take an amaryllis seed at least five years before the bulb is large enough for it to produce a flower.

Monday, January 24, 2011

A New Baby for WHO?

I was looking through my US magazine and read the article about Elton John and his partner David Furnish's new baby. I've got to say before I read the article I was expecting it to be completely different. The thing that got to me was the very end of the article.
Elton and David are donating all proceeds from the licensing of these baby photos to their chosen charities.
That said a lot to me. After reading the article the thought went through my mind here are two people that seem to have their act together. They did say in the article that they had only one nanny. I've read that the famous couples in Hollywood can't have less than three. I think some of these couples figure a nanny for each child that they have. Forget the fact that they could not have the child the natural way they had to go to a doctor and have invetro or what ever it is called. Surrogacy I can understand some women can't have a child but to go invetro when you are perfectly able to have a child the regular way. There is a reason that women run out of eggs, its called getting to old to have children. It makes me sick when I see all these people in their late 50's and 60's having kids. All they are going to do is have the baby and pass it off to a nanny. If the woman can get pregnant the old fashioned way fine, if she does not have any eggs left may bee she should consider not having one that is not really hers to begin with. Adopt a child from a foreign country, or better yet become a foster parent, it's not like these Hollywood people are going to be there the whole time. The foster children will appreciate what you have and not take anything for granted.