Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fall 2015 semester starts

     Well I had my first day of school this semester and for the business law class I have the same teacher I had for the marketing class. Mr. Erby is a older teacher and sometimes some students will joke that he laid part of the foundation for the building itself, in reality he has been out there 43 years and he will admit he could retire, and that he will when the time is right, or when he feels like it.
     I am taking two online classes this semester and to be honest I was a bit scared about the ENG165 class but one of the girls in the class I am taking on campus told me the class was not hard at all and she took it over the summer. That gave me a relieved feeling. The other online class I am taking is managerial accounting. This is the first accounting class I have taken online and I hope I do well, after all I want to keep a high GPA, currently it is 3.8.
   My academic goal is to graduate with honors and I am already a member of two honor society's so I am well on my way to accomplishing my goal. If I could say what my dream job is that would be to have a job ad the IRS. A job like that would give me recognition and it would also pay well, but my ultimate goal is to get a job so that the pressure will be off my husband when he goes to work, but it isn't just that I would like to have a job because I just want one. Having a job does gives me a feeling of independence and accomplishment, and yes I also have pride in myself.
     The accounting field is a very broad field because it not only covers accounting it also covers business fields. As I was explaining to my mother some jobs require that you have a business degree and that could be business or it could be accounting because accounting is considered business, but if the job requires an accounting degree that means that if you have a business degree with out the accounting specialty then you do not qualify for the job. Having a degree in accounting just has more job opportunities in general. I am not going to lie accounting is not easy but if you can master it you might just do well in the long run.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bachelors degree in accounting, maybe

     Today is Saturday morning and school starts Monday for me, it starts Wednesday for my daughter. A part of me is excited and a part of me is not. I will be glad to get my degree and at the same time I will miss the school time  have had. I enjoy learning new things and to be completely honest a part of me is seriously considering pursuing a bachelors degree in accounting. I have looked into several online classes that have the entire class online and I think that I just might be able to do it. Several people have done it and I know that I can. The problem is that my husband had a friend who's wife got her degree in accounting and as soon as that happened her attitude changed and things started going downhill in the marriage, and my husband thinks that may happen to me, it won't.
     The friend who's wife did this is a child of divorce and when they for married both of them were under 22. The friend was brought up in a home where the woman, or wife is the head of the house, and according to the bible that is not how it is suppose to be. I however was brought up in a house where the man. or husband is the head of the house as was my husband. I am also a submissive wife, which makes a difference as far as how a husband and wife interact with each other.
     I may never get a bachelors degree in accounting but I will say this if I can get a few classes in and not have to pay anything I will make an attempt to go for it. 

Thursday, August 13, 2015

getting ready for school

     My daughter is starting 3rd grade and I am entering another semester towards completing my associates degree in accounting.  After this semester I will only have one semester left, the thing is the last semester I will have to enroll as a full time student because I will need to take four classes to earn the degree. I hope that the college offers the classes I need. I am fairly sure that the college will offer at least two of the classes business math and QuickBooks, but I also need to take cost accounting and payroll accounting. The classes I need have been online classes and, as a matter of fact the cost accounting is always an online class but the payroll has been both. If the classes I need are not offered I will have to wait until they are.

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Lynyrd Skynyrd - Free Bird

This is the song my husband and I heard on our first date. It was played by three different bands in the same night, making the night one to remember.

Books for sale

     I have several college textbooks that I put for sale on the college Facebook page. I did not think I would sale any of them then all of the sudden people started contacting me like crazy. I guess I am going to make a bit of money from these books after all. The semester starts in less than a week so I guess the students are all getting ready to purchase the books before the semester starts and try to save a bit of money, I can't say that I blame them.

Monday, August 10, 2015

Wedding fun and a happy day

     Well when I went to the wedding of my husbands cousin last Saturday it started out not to good then it promptly changed to a wonderfully great time. I will say this I wish Morgan and Jason the very best I hope they have a long and happy marriage. 

Saturday, August 8, 2015

A family wedding today.

          My family is going to a wedding today, it is the wedding of my husbands cousins daughter. I have not met the girl very often but I will say one thing about her, this child is very spoiled by her parents.
     She wanted my husband to drive her to the church in the car he restored that was her great grandfather's car, but changed her mind when she found out that the car did not have air conditioning. The car is a 1959 ford air conditioning was something that cars back then just did not have, anyway, she opted for a limo that charges $300 per hour for the first two hours and $150 for every additional hour. 
      I really feel sorry for her parents because as spoiled as she is the marriage may not make it. I can say with truthfulness and almost 10 years experience that marriage takes work, it is not a walk in the park and it is not easy. It takes a certain amount of maturity to get married and stay that way, I just hope I am wrong, only time will tell.

June 2016

I went to the wedding and I can say I had the best time in my life there, definitely more fun than at my brothers wedding where all you could do was sit there and wait at a long table and not sit with your family. The thing I should say it that the wedding was a while back and since them the newlyweds had welcomed a daughter into the family. I wish them the best and I hope they will be great parents.

Friday, August 7, 2015

5 AM and no power

 I woke up this morning at 5:15 am to no power. We had a downpour last night so I can only guess that someone on the way to work must have gotten in an accident and hit something. I do know that it was very widespread. My electric company is normally pretty good when it comes to getting the power on and this time was no exception, the power was out only two hours. My daughter asked why we didn't get out the candles, I told her there was really no reason to get the candles out because the sun was coming up.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our Song: Free Bird

     Yesterday after I got back from having my second mammogram my husband was waiting for me, I can say without any hesitation that I was very glad to see him. Normally I am the one waiting for him but this time it was him waiting for me.     
     As the day progressed and it was almost time for our evening meal and we were sitting on the outside swing and he looked over at me and said in a loving voice, "Its been 10 years do you have any regrets about marrying me".
     I looked back at him and said without a moments hesitation, "No I have no regrets, none at all". It was then that he got up and put a CD in the CD player the song that he tuned it to was the song that was played over and over on our first date 10 years ago.
    Our first date was about 10 months before our wedding. It was  on July 3 at an independence day celebration. At the celebration there were 3 bands playing the same song in three different versions and the song was Free Bird originally preformed by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I never thought of it before but if I could say we as a couple have a song that would be it. It sums up our relationship in more ways than one and it is the song that was played over and over on our first date. Now every time I hear that song I can't help but smile and think about the wonderful man I married.

Second Mammogram results

     I went for my second mammogram yesterday afternoon and the results were that there was nothing there. I seems that I have what is called dense breast tissue and finding a lump or something out of the ordinary is often harder than normal. The doctor informed me that it might be in my best interest to have a 3D mammogram done next year. I was told that this makes it easier to find a lump of any kind if there is one there in the first place, plus is will make it less likely for a second trip if by some chance the breast tissue decided to clump together again.
     The mammogram technician yesterday informed me that when the mammogram was taken the "lump" actually spread out and dispersed, if it was an actual lump this would have not happened. The doctor also asked me several questions that could determine what my chances are of developing breast cancer before the age of 90, my rate was 14.1 %. She said anything over 20% is when they take extra precautions. So I am safer than the average person, at least until I am 90, which is quite a while from now.

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mammogram worries

Today I am going for my second mammogram after I was informed that the radiologist found something on the one I took last Thursday. To put it mildly I am a bit scared but not like I was when this happened two years ago. I am going up there prepared to have an ultrasound done as well. The last time this happened, according to the ultrasound it was just a pocket of fluid. I am hopeful that this is all it is again, if it isn't my husband and I will deal with it.
     My husband is not going with me this time, my mother and my 8 year old daughter are going with me. I hope is does not take long, I just suppose it depends on how many other people are having things done.
     When I was informed that something had been found in my left breast I hate to admit it but I asked my husband not to tell his parents. If you are wondering why I can tell you that the reason why is because I know that his mother will tell just about everyone in the my husbands family about what is going on, and I really don't want everyone to know about it. This is a private matter as far as I am concerned, and I don't want everyone and their brother needs to know. If the mammogram as well as the ultrasound show something then I guess I will have to let my husband tell them but until I know for sure I would rather keep it quiet.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Doctor's visit. Is all well?

     When I go to the doctor it is a hour drive, it may be a bit far for some people to drive to see a doctor but where I live you can sit in the doctors office three hours until you are seen. It is actually faster to drive an hour, see the doctor and then drive back home for a hour, than it is to see the doctor that is 15 minutes away. Anyway, last Thursday I went to the doctor for my yearly check-up and mammogram. It was pretty routine and I did not expect anything out of the ordinary. I have had no problems for the past few years so I did not expect any problems this time. I was wrong.
     I got a call from the radiology department. It seems that after looking at my mammogram the radiologist found something and I have to go back and have another one. To put it mildly I was upset. I had a lump in my breast that had to be removed just over 10 years ago and that was a scary experience. The main thing that is the difference between then and now it the fact that I have a husband now, 11 years ago I didn't.
     The moment my husband got home from work he could tell something was wrong. I can say with complete and utter honesty I was glad to see him. I did not tell him what it was at first I simply stood there and let him wrap his arms around me, I needed his strength and he gave it to me.
     As I composed myself I told him what the radiologist said, and that I needed to go back and have another mammogram, and perhaps a ultrasound. I have been through this before, two years ago when I had my yearly mammogram I had to make a second trip when the radiologist found something on the first mammogram image, when it was on the second one I was promptly sent to have an ultrasound where is was discovered that it was only a pocket of fluid. 
     I hope that a pocket of fluid is all that it is, and in my heart I think that is exactly what it is, the problem is that I won't be sure until I make the hour drive and have the mammogram and possibly ultrasound done. I am just glad that I have a husband that will stand beside me and be the supportive man I need when I need it.
my loving husband