Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Fall 2015 semester starts

     Well I had my first day of school this semester and for the business law class I have the same teacher I had for the marketing class. Mr. Erby is a older teacher and sometimes some students will joke that he laid part of the foundation for the building itself, in reality he has been out there 43 years and he will admit he could retire, and that he will when the time is right, or when he feels like it.
     I am taking two online classes this semester and to be honest I was a bit scared about the ENG165 class but one of the girls in the class I am taking on campus told me the class was not hard at all and she took it over the summer. That gave me a relieved feeling. The other online class I am taking is managerial accounting. This is the first accounting class I have taken online and I hope I do well, after all I want to keep a high GPA, currently it is 3.8.
   My academic goal is to graduate with honors and I am already a member of two honor society's so I am well on my way to accomplishing my goal. If I could say what my dream job is that would be to have a job ad the IRS. A job like that would give me recognition and it would also pay well, but my ultimate goal is to get a job so that the pressure will be off my husband when he goes to work, but it isn't just that I would like to have a job because I just want one. Having a job does gives me a feeling of independence and accomplishment, and yes I also have pride in myself.
     The accounting field is a very broad field because it not only covers accounting it also covers business fields. As I was explaining to my mother some jobs require that you have a business degree and that could be business or it could be accounting because accounting is considered business, but if the job requires an accounting degree that means that if you have a business degree with out the accounting specialty then you do not qualify for the job. Having a degree in accounting just has more job opportunities in general. I am not going to lie accounting is not easy but if you can master it you might just do well in the long run.

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