Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Mammogram worries

Today I am going for my second mammogram after I was informed that the radiologist found something on the one I took last Thursday. To put it mildly I am a bit scared but not like I was when this happened two years ago. I am going up there prepared to have an ultrasound done as well. The last time this happened, according to the ultrasound it was just a pocket of fluid. I am hopeful that this is all it is again, if it isn't my husband and I will deal with it.
     My husband is not going with me this time, my mother and my 8 year old daughter are going with me. I hope is does not take long, I just suppose it depends on how many other people are having things done.
     When I was informed that something had been found in my left breast I hate to admit it but I asked my husband not to tell his parents. If you are wondering why I can tell you that the reason why is because I know that his mother will tell just about everyone in the my husbands family about what is going on, and I really don't want everyone to know about it. This is a private matter as far as I am concerned, and I don't want everyone and their brother needs to know. If the mammogram as well as the ultrasound show something then I guess I will have to let my husband tell them but until I know for sure I would rather keep it quiet.

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