Saturday, August 15, 2015

Bachelors degree in accounting, maybe

     Today is Saturday morning and school starts Monday for me, it starts Wednesday for my daughter. A part of me is excited and a part of me is not. I will be glad to get my degree and at the same time I will miss the school time  have had. I enjoy learning new things and to be completely honest a part of me is seriously considering pursuing a bachelors degree in accounting. I have looked into several online classes that have the entire class online and I think that I just might be able to do it. Several people have done it and I know that I can. The problem is that my husband had a friend who's wife got her degree in accounting and as soon as that happened her attitude changed and things started going downhill in the marriage, and my husband thinks that may happen to me, it won't.
     The friend who's wife did this is a child of divorce and when they for married both of them were under 22. The friend was brought up in a home where the woman, or wife is the head of the house, and according to the bible that is not how it is suppose to be. I however was brought up in a house where the man. or husband is the head of the house as was my husband. I am also a submissive wife, which makes a difference as far as how a husband and wife interact with each other.
     I may never get a bachelors degree in accounting but I will say this if I can get a few classes in and not have to pay anything I will make an attempt to go for it. 

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