Saturday, August 1, 2015

A Doctor's visit. Is all well?

     When I go to the doctor it is a hour drive, it may be a bit far for some people to drive to see a doctor but where I live you can sit in the doctors office three hours until you are seen. It is actually faster to drive an hour, see the doctor and then drive back home for a hour, than it is to see the doctor that is 15 minutes away. Anyway, last Thursday I went to the doctor for my yearly check-up and mammogram. It was pretty routine and I did not expect anything out of the ordinary. I have had no problems for the past few years so I did not expect any problems this time. I was wrong.
     I got a call from the radiology department. It seems that after looking at my mammogram the radiologist found something and I have to go back and have another one. To put it mildly I was upset. I had a lump in my breast that had to be removed just over 10 years ago and that was a scary experience. The main thing that is the difference between then and now it the fact that I have a husband now, 11 years ago I didn't.
     The moment my husband got home from work he could tell something was wrong. I can say with complete and utter honesty I was glad to see him. I did not tell him what it was at first I simply stood there and let him wrap his arms around me, I needed his strength and he gave it to me.
     As I composed myself I told him what the radiologist said, and that I needed to go back and have another mammogram, and perhaps a ultrasound. I have been through this before, two years ago when I had my yearly mammogram I had to make a second trip when the radiologist found something on the first mammogram image, when it was on the second one I was promptly sent to have an ultrasound where is was discovered that it was only a pocket of fluid. 
     I hope that a pocket of fluid is all that it is, and in my heart I think that is exactly what it is, the problem is that I won't be sure until I make the hour drive and have the mammogram and possibly ultrasound done. I am just glad that I have a husband that will stand beside me and be the supportive man I need when I need it.
my loving husband

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