Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Our Song: Free Bird

     Yesterday after I got back from having my second mammogram my husband was waiting for me, I can say without any hesitation that I was very glad to see him. Normally I am the one waiting for him but this time it was him waiting for me.     
     As the day progressed and it was almost time for our evening meal and we were sitting on the outside swing and he looked over at me and said in a loving voice, "Its been 10 years do you have any regrets about marrying me".
     I looked back at him and said without a moments hesitation, "No I have no regrets, none at all". It was then that he got up and put a CD in the CD player the song that he tuned it to was the song that was played over and over on our first date 10 years ago.
    Our first date was about 10 months before our wedding. It was  on July 3 at an independence day celebration. At the celebration there were 3 bands playing the same song in three different versions and the song was Free Bird originally preformed by Lynyrd Skynyrd. I never thought of it before but if I could say we as a couple have a song that would be it. It sums up our relationship in more ways than one and it is the song that was played over and over on our first date. Now every time I hear that song I can't help but smile and think about the wonderful man I married.

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